The Newfoundland dog is a strong, heavy but also has a charming personality.
The Newfoundlands originated from, you guessed it, Newfoundland; a large island on the east coast of Northern America.
They are classified as working dogs as they were used to pull fishnets from the sea and fetch firewood from forests.
They are hardworking Supremes; they work excellent on land and water. They are very strong and can weigh about 150 pounds.
Their sweet nature is their most loved characteristic, they make great family companions.
The Newfoundland temperament is calm and collected. They are great in large spaces and they love to move about freely.
But the Newfoundland dog loves a good long cuddle, so bringing one home would mean you have a giant Teddy Bear!
Table of Contents
Newfoundlands Pictures
Quick Facts:

Avg. Weight: 132-154 lbs (Male), 99-120 lbs (Female).
Avg. Height: 27 – 29 inches (Male), 24-27 inches (Female).
Life Expectancy: 8-10 years
Dog Group: Working Dogs
Colors: Black, Grey, Black and White, Brown.
At A Glance
Newfoundlands are quiet, hardworking dogs. Their sweetness matches their size.
Size: (5/5)
The average Newfoundland dog weight averages to a 132-150 pounds in males and 99-120 pounds in females.
They stand about 27 inches tall and they are massive behemoths.
Affection Level: (5/5)
They bond closely with their family members and are very possessive of them.
Apartment Friendly: (1/5)
The Newfoundland dog size is large and hence, they do not fit well in small spaces.
Newfoundland dogs require ample space to move about.
Cold Weather Tolerability: (5/5)
Newfoundland dogs thrive in cold weather. Their thick coat acts as an insulator and keeps them warm even in extremely cold temperatures.
Hot Weather Tolerability: (2/5)
Newfoundlands can tolerate warm climates but to prevent your dog from having a stroke it is best to keep him in air condition.
Barking Tendencies: (4/5)
Newfoundland dogs have a loud bark. Depending on their personality they can be chatty or quiet.
Cat-Friendly: (3/5)
In spite of having a high prey drive, Newfoundland dogs are friendly with cats.
Dog-Friendly: (4/5)
If socialized well, these dogs get along well with dogs. They are not aggressive or domineering.
Exercise Needs: (3/5)
Newfoundland dogs are prone to becoming couch potatoes. Daily walks or runs in the year should keep him fit.
Grooming Needs: (4/5)
To keep the heavy, thick coat from matting, you need to brush it daily or you could visit a professional groomer.
Playfulness: (4/5)
They are easygoing and very playful. Although, sometimes they forget how large they are.
Trainability: (4/5)
Newfoundlands are easy to train. However, they may not listen to you if you are aggressive.
Intelligence: (4/5)
Newfoundlands are very intelligent and quick-witted. They easily pick up on training and manners.
Mouthiness: (3/5)
Newfoundlands are inveterate chewers and can do a whole lot of damage due to their size.
Price Group: (4/5)
The Newfoundland dog price ranges anywhere from $1,200 to $3,000. Price also depends on the breeder, lineage, and location of purchase.
About Newfoundlands

The Newfoundland dogs are large, strong and very hardworking. Used to pull fishnets for fishermen, they are excellent swimmers.
The Newfoundland dog lifespan is 8-10 years.
They have a very sweet and loving nature.
The Newfoundland dogs are more than just big working dogs, they are excellent and devoted family dogs too.
The Newfoundland has strong protective instincts besides their affectionate personality. You cannot say that it’s a watchdog but they will protect you in times of trouble.
They are avid water dogs. They have the lung capacity; broad chest and their webbed legs make them long term swimmers.
The Newfoundland breed does require regular exercise even if it might be plaint and calm.
They are big-time droolers, so bringing a Newfoundland home, you need to get ready for a drool party.
Where Did Newfoundland Dogs Come From?

There exists archaeological evidence that the Newfoundland dog history goes back to the Vikings. This breed developed from the smaller St. John dog and both had similar purposes.
The name Newfoundland first came into the picture when in 1175, sportsman and diarist, George Cartwright named his dog after the island of Newfoundland.
Then in 1780, the Governor of Newfoundland restricted the ownership of dogs to one per household. This was a vain effort to promote sheep rearing.
It may have not encouraged sheep rearing but it did, however, escalate the decline of this breed.
Thankfully, breed enthusiasts broke this law and continued to breed.
The Newfoundland dog has appeared in literature too, featuring in Charlotte Bronte’s Jane Eyre.
Some 2000 Newfoundlands were living and working on the island, pulling milk crates and fetching loads.
This dog has evolved with webbed feet. They are natural swimmers; they are famed for grabbing sinking ropes of ships and hauling them back to the shore.
The American Kennel Club recognized the Newfoundland dog breed in 1886.
Newfoundlands Trainability

It can be a little overwhelming to train your Newfoundland, especially if you are a first-timer.
The Newfoundland is not your basic dog, it is like no other dog that you will have ever trained.
Understand your dog breed. Research on behavior and be mindful of the fact that Newfoundlands are very smart.
Judge the character of your Newfoundland. Find out whether he is sassy, a textbook people-pleaser, goofy or obstinate.
Start training on day one, do not delay the teaching or wait for your Newfie to grow up. That might give him the upper hand and he might not listen to you at all.
Be consistent because of not, it might confuse your dog.
Form a training routine and stick to it. Pick a method that is both easy for you to communicate with your dog and also is understood by him.
It should not just be you training the Newfoundland, ask your family to pitch in on this too.
Newfoundlands Grooming

The Newfoundland has a flat and water-resistant double coat. The outer is coat is coarse and the undercoat is dense and soft.
The Newfoundland shed is moderate but increases in Spring and Fall.
The coat requires daily brushing, and if not done it would give room to matting and tangling, which is not good.
You could do this yourself, which is cumbersome or you could take your Newfie to the groomer, which is expensive.
Bathe him as required, every month or so.
Brush your Newfie as often as every week to prevent any tartar from developing.
Clip the nails once a month. If you can hear them clicking on the floor, they are too long. Check ears weekly for any redness or inflammation.
If you decide to clean his ears, only do so till you can see.
Common Diseases

Hip and Elbow Dysplasia
This condition occurs when the bones begin to have an abnormal formation in the hip and elbow socket. This leads to arthritis and should be treated as early as possible.
You might have a reason to worry if your dog is having difficulty in getting up or refuses to go up or down the stairs.
If your Newfoundland is overweight then it is prone to this disease much higher than a normal weight Newfoundland.
In most cases, surgery is opted for to help the Newfoundland recover from this unbearable pain.
Ruptured Anterior Cruciate Ligament
This knee injury is very common and is said to occur in young, large dogs either during physical or older overweight dogs.
The anterior cruciate ligament tears or ruptures resulting in a sudden lameness.
Treatment could vary depending upon the severity but in general includes rest, limited activity, surgery or medication.
This is a common cause of blindness in Newfoundlands.
If you notice your Newfoundland’s eyes becoming cloudier and grey, you should quickly check for cataract formation in your dog’s eyes.
Many Newfies adapt well to the loss of sight. Surgically removing the cataract to restore the sight of your dog is also an option to consider.
Cherry Eye
This condition occurs when the gland beneath the third eyelid protrudes and looks like a cherry in the corner of the eye.
Your vet may have to remove the gland.
This is a neurological condition where there is an abnormal burst of electric energies in the brain which causes the body to malfunction.
Your Newfoundland may lose consciousness during an epileptic seizure in most cases.
Epileptic attacks prevail several times a day or even monthly.
There is no triggering event or condition. When your Newfie is having a seizure, there is immediate danger and you must take it to the vet as soon as possible.
If it lasts more than a period of five minutes, take your dog to the hospital.
Gastric Tension –
This is a life-threatening situation that can affect large and deep-chested dogs.
This could arise if they are fed large meals or they eat rapidly or they drink too much water after eating.
This condition also called “bloat”, is common among other dogs.
It occurs when the stomach is distended with gas or air and then twists.
The dog is unable to vomit, to get rid of the excess air in the stomach. Blood pressure drops and the dog goes into shock.
If the dog isn’t taken to the vet, it can die.
Check for a bloated stomach or excessive drooling. Your dog could be breathless, depressed and lethargic. If you see these signs, call the vet immediately.
Canine cancer has a couple of symptoms such as unusual swelling of a sore or a bump, sores that do not heal, bleeding from any openings and difficulty in breathing, urinating or defecating.
Treatments for cancer are chemotherapy, surgery, and medication.
This is a hereditary disorder that is caused by the inability to reabsorb the amino acid, cystine, in the kidneys.
This results in kidney or bladder stones causing urinary tract inflammation or blockage.
Treatment comprises of medication that prevents the formation of stones.
This is a disorder of the thyroid gland. Hyperthyroidism causes epilepsy, lethargy, hair loss, dark patches on the skin, obesity.
This can be treated with changes in diet and medication.
Subvalvular Aortic Stenosis
This is a serious heart condition which is caused by a narrow connection between the left ventricle and the aorta.
This could cause fainting or sudden death. Consult your vet and ask him/her to prescribe proper treatment.
Addison’s Disease
This is also known as hypoadrenocorticism.
It is an extremely serious condition that pertains to the insufficiency in production of the adrenal hormone by the adrenal gland.
Symptoms of having Addison’s disease are vomiting, having a poor appetite and lethargy. These signs are vague and often misunderstood for other conditions.
Doctors often miss this disease until it does not reach a higher stage. Severe sings include rising of the potassium levels and adversely affecting the heart function, stress that could cause severe shock or death even.
If it is suspected that your Newfoundland has the Addison’s disease, the doctor will perform a series of tests for diagnosis.

The advised amount of food served daily, divided into two meals, is 4-5 cups of high-quality dog food.
To avoid “bloat” make sure you keep water away from your dog for at least an hour after you have fed your Newfoundland.
Suggested: Senior Dog Food
How much food your dog will consume depends upon the age, built, size, build and activity level. Dogs do not eat as much as humans.
A highly active dog consumes more food than a lethargic and lazy dog. Choose the dog food which has better quality, it will boost the nourishing of your dog.
Keep your Newfoundland active and fit by measuring his food. Serve him twice a day rather than keeping the bowl open for him at all times.
Vaccination and Care

Distemper vaccine
This severely affects organs such as the spinal cord, respiratory system, brain, and intestines.
The common symptoms of having distemper are high fever, lethargy, loss of appetite, etc.
This disease spreads through the infected dog’s hair or feet. It is fatal.
Usually, if Newfoundlands are under a year, they are prone to this virus.
Signs that your dog could have this are bloody diarrhea, depression, vomiting, fever, etc.
This is a very damaging virus; it deteriorates the brains of all mammals.
Dogs secrete large amounts of this virus in their saliva and thus, a dog is infected with rabies when it is bitten by another dog.
Signs that a dog has rabies can be seen in behavioral changes such as restlessness and aggression. They become hypersensitive to touch, light, sound, etc.
Infectious canine hepatitis is a very serious condition caused by a highly infectious virus that affects the liver.
It develops extremely quickly in puppies and dogs.
Symptoms of hepatitis are vomiting, lethargy, fever, abdominal pain and an enlarged liver.
Suggested: Guide To Dog Vaccination
Monthly Expense Estimation
The monthly Newfoundland price averages to about $100.

Newfoundland dogs are also called “nanny dogs”. This is because they are great with children. They are extremely loving and caring.
However, they are sometimes unaware of their size. So, they can easily knock over a toddler or a smaller dog. It is advised that you should not leave them alone together, no matter what.
Newfoundlands should be socially trained from the beginning, they must know how to behave with other dogs.
But other than that, Newfies are great around dogs; they are not aggressive at all.
Newfoundlands are not friendly with cats at all. It is best to keep them separate. Newfies have a high prey drive and might chase the cats.

The Newfoundland is a big dog breed. It is in no way a basic dog when it comes to training.
Newfies prefer larger spaces and love to swim!
They used to pull fishnets for fishermen in the past so they are great swimmers. They have natural protective instincts.
They might not be watchdogs but they protect their family when times of danger arise.
They have a very strong work ethic. They need mental stimulation and exercise. They are perfect for dog sports.
They love the cold weather but adapt to the warm weather provided you have a working air conditioner!
Something Fun About Newfoundlands!

- The Newfoundland dogs have Canadian origins
- They love love love love the water!
- It is a bear-like breed
- There exist some black and white Newfoundlands too
- The breed highly resembles the St. Bernard Shaw and the Mastiff.
That was everything about the Newfoundland dogs.
We would love to hear about your thoughts in the comment section!
Happy Petting To You Guys!