Dog Language

Dog Language

You proud yourself as a responsible dog owner, we get it but do you know what a dog language is?

Your dog barks, growls, chew things and runs behind them.

The list is a never-ending one, right?

All these aren’t just random acts out of nothing but on the contrary, everything makes sense if you know how to speak dog language!

He’ll use everything in his capacity to help you understand what’s bothering him or what he’s feeling at that moment.

See, your dog usually greets you in certain dog facial expression, he sees you as a friend who knows him and will respond to him.

Your dog always tries to tell you something by his acts.

Now, it’s upon you to understand this dog language.

Here, we’ll tell you why your dog is doing what he’s doing and make you understand the dog body language.

All these might come as quite overwhelming to a new dog parent.

Being fluent in dog language will help you in combating some social skill problems that might be present in your four-legged companion.

You can always take lessons from a dog language translator but you got to start from somewhere on your own.

So, have we succeeded in hyping you up to read this article?

If yes, then start scrolling!

1. Barking:


The signs indicating the problem:

  • The dog body language should be your main focal point if you’re experiencing such abnormal dog behavior
  • If your dog is showing signs of being in distress, he might be suffering from dog separation anxiety
  • However, if there weren’t any such signs then he might be doing it out of boredom.

The meaning behind the problem:

  • Dog Barking is one of the main modes of expression for dogs.
  • The dogs use it to express their anxieties, stress, and whatnot. 
  • However, excessive dog barking is an issue and needs to be dealt with seriously.
  • This way of a loud dog barking can be anything from barking at every moving thing or at every other stranger nearby the dog.

Dogisworld Facts: Your dog can get triggered by anything and start barking. If it’s repetitive, the first thing to do is to find the reason for this bark.

2.>2. Fighting/Playing:

Fighting or Playing

The signs indicating the problem:

  • There are some clear indications that can tell if they are only playing with each other. 
  • First, it’s the role reversals which means that at one time one is dog chasing, dog biting and next it’s the other dog doing the same thing. 
  • Another clear sign is the fake dog biting which is by keeping mouths open while pretending to bite.
  • The dog facial expression can also be a good parameter to judge the aggression.

The meaning behind the problem:

  • Dog fighting or dog playing can be usually seen in a yard or a park where two dogs may start growling and physically engaging with each other.   
  • You can differentiate whether it’s a form of a playing or fighting by looking at their dog body language with each other.   
  • The dog aggression with which they are interacting with each other can also tell a lot about whether it’s a game or a fight.

Dogisworld Facts: If you see two dogs engaging with each other, At first glance, you won’t really be able to tell whether they’re playing or are in a fight with each other.

3. Peeing In>3. Peeing Indoors:

Peeing Indoors

The signs indicating the problem:

  • There are some clear ways we can interpret what is the meaning of such abnormal dog behavior.  
  • If your dog is showing signs of dog anxiety such as hiding himself, worry lines on the head then it’s could be a case of a medical emergency.
  • However, if he’s behaving normally and being playful then it’s pretty normal and a good dog house training will do the job.

The meaning behind the problem:

  • In many cases, dog peeing indoors can be an anxious moment for the dog parent.
  • A lot of it has to do with house training a dog which includes not allowing the dog to pee indoors. 
  • However, this could also be due to some hiding medical condition which needs immediate dog treatment.

Dogisworld Facts: Sudden peeing indoors is likely to happen when your dog is frightened by something or had a change of habit from some external factor.

4. Growling/Sn>4. Growling/Snarling:

Growling or Snarling

The signs indicating the problem:

  • Growling when combined with conditions such as dog staring at nothing, not letting go of something are the clear signs of frightening.   
  • In the case of playing, there can also be a growling dog, snapping but the overall body structure is in a relaxed state.
  • The signs of dog stress shouldn’t be ignored as there could be medical conditions involved which could be particularly dangerous to the dog.

The meaning behind the problem:

  • Growling/ Snarling accompanied by aggression are all clear indications of a dog frightened by something.
  • However, dogs also do these things while playing so you need to differentiate between these two things.
  • A dog can get scared due to a number of reasons such as dog separation anxiety or if they are protecting someone or something.

Dogisworld Facts: Growling or Snarling usually is a sign of your dog being threatened and or is protecting something.

5. Destroying By>5. Destroying By Chewing:

Destroying By Chewing