Akita Dog – Your Rugged And loyal Companion!

An akita dog standing on the beach with palm trees on the background

Have you ever zoomed into a dog’ eyes?

Try it, and you will find tons of emotions in those innocent eyes!

Needless to say, this world will forget you someday but your pet won’t.

And it would be completely different and sentimental if you pet a dog.

Let’s talk about Akitas this time and learn everything about them: From history to its parenting guide.

Before I share relevant facts about an Akita dog, let me share an interesting story about Hachiko.

Wait, who’s Hachiko?

Well, Hachiko was a Japanese Akita Inu who was known for his loyalty and affection.

He would walk with his owner to the train station and wait for him till he returned.

But as they say, “not every story has a happy ending.”

In a few years, his owner died.

However, this heartbroken Akita dog still continued waiting for him even after knowing he was dead.

For a decade, he stood and waited patiently until his last breath.

Heart-wrenching story…

But this signifies how loyal and friendly the Akita dog was…

That’s what encouraged me to write this article.

Let’s stick to this post till the end and unleash interesting stories and facts about Akita breeds.

Akita Pictures

American Akita dog in a white background
Japanese Akita dog sitting in a white background
American akita dog with a leash and collar standing on grass.
Japanese Akita dog with a leash looking with a blur background.
American Akita Dog side profile, standing on a field.
Japanese Akita dog sitting on the road with grass on both side.

Quick Facts

Akita dog fact that include dog group, height, weight and akc ranking.

Average Weight: Male 85-132lbs, Female 63-110lbs

Average Height: Male 27 inches, Female 25 inches

Dog Group: Working Dogs

AKC Rank: 47

At A Glance

Japanese Akita dogs are slightly smaller than Akita American dogs. The only distinguishing feature between them is ‘height’. The average height of Akita males ranges between 26 to 28 inches while female Akita dogs are between 24 to 26 inches. When it comes to Akita weight, Akita male dogs weigh 39 to 60 kgs while Akita female dogs weigh 29 to 50 kgs.

Akitas may have a sturdy appearance and resilient features. However, they suffer from several health problems in their adulthood and senior phase. The average lifespan of Akita Inu is 10 to 12 years.

An Akita dog is one of the cheerful and loyal dog breeds. They are apartment-friendly until you provoke or trigger him.

Akitas would annoy you when it comes to outdoor activities. They tend to stay outdoors as they have a rich history of guarding royalty in Japan and hunting wild animals. However, they love to be with humans and obey what their master commands. That’s why it’s always suggested to train Akita puppies at an early age in order to develop good habits.

Akitas are known for affection and quiet behavior. But their blood boils when any dog breed comes into their way. So make sure you keep your other pets away from Akita dog breeds as they are not pet-friendly.

Akita dogs don’t bark at their owners but prolonged eye contact may provoke them. Akita breeds get annoyed even when the same-sex breed appears in front of them.

Akita dogs love winters. They are very comfortable with chilly weather as they have a rich history of guarding royalty and hunting wild animals in northern mountainous regions in Japan. Their double coats keep them warm in winters. However, Akitas do not tolerate hot weather. They find it difficult to adjust in the summer.

They are slow learners when it comes to developing the right habits. They may catch nasty habits quickly like jumping over the fence and roaming outside or barking at stranger breeds/ outsiders. For novice breeders, it’s a challenge to train a grownup Akita dog. They take time to comprehend the request. However, Akitas can still develop good habits in a few months when you train rigorously from day 1.

Akita energy level is very high. They are responsive too! Akita adult dogs take time to comprehend what you command. But with proper training and multiple rounds of exercise, Akitas can develop the right attitude and stay calm.

Although Akitas shed throughout the year, they do not require any special grooming. Akita dog breeds lick their body exactly what cats do. This eliminates dirt and dead hair from the body and keeps them clean. All they require is regular brushing and bathing to stay away from ticks and other bacteria.

We can’t deny the fact that Akitas are shedders! They shed all the seasons. But, neither Akita puppies nor Akita adults are hypoallergenic. The only pain Akitas give is a room full of dead coats. You will end up sweeping hair from every nook and cranny when you breed an Akita dog puppy.

If you’re looking for an American Akita dog from a reputable breeder, the price range starts from $3,500. Akita pricing may differ from country to country as they are very few in numbers.

Did you know?
Japan has erected a museum named Ákita Dog Museum’ in Odate in the memory of Hachiko.

About Akita Dog

Akita dog in a forest with a blur background

An Akita dog is a type of dog breed that annoys you with its sweet gestures. This double-coated dog breed is muscular, giant, and soft-hearted.

For years, they were assigned to guarding and hunting purposes. Now the world remembers them as a rugged and loyal companion to humans.

Akitas are of two types: American Akita dogs and Japanese American dogs

The only differential feature they have is ‘appearance’.

An American Akita dog has a bear-like face while the other one: a Japanese Akita dog has a fox-like face.

Akita American breeds grow slightly taller than Akita Japanese breeds in adulthood.

Both of them turn aggressive when proper training is not administered.

Akita dog loves to wag their tails and to nudge their owners for outdoor activities. Also, they find brilliant tactics to convince their owners to go on an outdoor tour.

Akitas are smart dog breeds. You can use their excellence and intelligence to develop good habits.

No matter what type of Akitas you bring in at your place. You will find Akita puppies growing super fast.

The average Akita height (male) is between 26 to 28 inches while that of female Akita adult is between 24 to 26 inches.

Akita male dogs weigh more than Akita female dogs. Akita male dogs weigh 39 to 60 kgs and female Akitas weigh 29 to 50 kgs.

When we talk about the Akita temperament, they are over-friendly with family members. But their behavior with strangers, especially with other Akita breeds, is overwhelming.

Akita dog breeds have their origin in the mountainous parts of Japan in the 17th century.

In 1937, this four-legged creature was presented to Helen Keller by the Japanese after her visit to the prefecture of Akita in Japan.

Akitas may have a resilient feature but they are prone to several life-threatening diseases.

That shortens the lifespan of this breed. That’s the reason Akitas have an average lifespan of 10 to 12 years.


A black and white picture of akita dog standing on the grass

An Akita dog is developed through the crossing of chow chows with Japanese Kari and Tosa dogs.

In the 17th century, Akitas were trained to hunt wild animals like bears in the mountains and wild boars.

An Akita dog is considered a dignified breed and a national treasure. They were strong but their affection was reserved for their owners.

However, hunting and guarding became old-fashioned, and in some years, the importance of Akitas started dipping.

Later, Akita dog had taken a new shift and turned out to be a family-friendly animal.

In 1937, Hellen Keller, an author, and lecturer brought the Akita Japanese breed to the US.

On her Japan tour, she was fascinated by the Akita story, and as a sign of love and goodwill, the Japanese presented her with an Akita puppy ‘Kamikaze Go’ on her return journey.

In 6 months, this puppy died. But she was lucky enough to receive a second Akita puppy named ‘Kamikaze’ which lived with her for several years.

Facts Theatre

fact about akita with a vector image of the akita dog on a white background
fact about akita with a vector image of the akita dog on a white background
fact about akita with a vector image of the akita dog on a white background
fact about akita with a vector image of the akita dog on a white background

Parenting Guide And Care

An akita dog licking the chin of a woman wearing black hat, black top and maroon pants. The background is blur with trees and a water tank.

From ‘Puppy’ To ‘Giant Dog’

This mountainous origin dog breed grows quickly!

They grow to adult size much quicker and learn things by themselves.

Akita dog breeds grow the way you treat them. That’s why it’s highly recommended to train Akita pups at an early stage.

Their growth rate is so high that within a year, they gain a considerable amount of weight and height that make them look like big-sized adult dogs.

Stay Away, Faint-Hearted!

Akita puppies won’t give you a look like “I do what I want to do”, but their deeds are simply annoying.

Akitas are sweet, loving, and quiet creatures until they meet strangers. After this intervention, Akita dogs go out of hand and start barking at outsiders.

So make sure you keep an eye on them or train them to be kind and friendly dogs

Akita adult dogs don’t belong to the faint-hearted or novices because they are way more intelligent than other breeds and can simply dominate you.

Hair, Hair, Everywhere!

Having a thick coat is a plus point as it keeps your Akita pooch insulated.

But, Brace yourself! Akita dogs shed often.

You may not spend your time wiping their drool but you may spend your time sweeping their hair from every nook and cranny.

It’s not a bad sign if your Akita Inu sheds throughout the year. But it’s imperative to brush them at regular intervals and keep their environment clean and hygienic.

Train Like A Soldier!

If you don’t teach or train your Akita dog, he will become a couch potato someday.

Akita puppies take time to learn. But when you learn how to channelize their intelligence, they can catch things quickly.

That’s why it’s necessary to sow the right seed at early as possible. Make sure you keep them busy in hardcore exercises.

Did you know?
Japanese aristocracy once restricted Akita ownership in the 17th century.

Personality And Temperament

An akita dog walking on the road with his owners half body visible.

Akita dogs are adorable, quiet, and complicated… Yes, you read that right.

They have all the features that make them ‘wow’. But when it comes to interaction with other dogs or with unfamiliar folks, they become ferocious and aggressive.

You never know when this silent puppy takes a dreadful step to harm others.

Akita dog breed, who has always been a pride of Japan, hates strangers.

Well, they are not a dangerous breed but a few things let Akita Inu go mad and insane.

Teasing, provoking, and poking are a few of them.

They even hate when anyone tries to snatch things in front of them. Moreover, they feel humiliated when any other breed or animal enters their territory.

That’s why Akita dog is not recommended for beginner-level pet parents. This type of dog breed can be a threat if they are exposed to other notorious breeds.

Give priority to Akita training from the time you bring them to your place.

A brisk walk or jogging, ball -game, or crate training can make a big difference in their demeanor.

Colors And Grooming

Fawn Akita Dog on a blur background
Black Akita dog in a lawn.
Brown Brindle Akita dog on a green background.
Brown Brindle
Red Akita dog sitting on a white background.
White Akita dog standing on a road.
Brown and Black Overlay Akita dog sitting in an empty ground
Brown, Black Overlay
Red and Black Overlay Akita dog standing in a ground on a green background.
Red, Black Overlay
Silver and Black Overlay Akita dog in a leash on a blur background.
Silver, Black Overlay

Akita dog is a shedder!

That doesn’t mean they need extensive grooming. With regular brushing, you can keep the Akita puppy clean and dirt-free.

Although their fur remains on floors or on the couch for a longer time, they are not allergenic at all.

However, Akita puppies are susceptible to several bacteria and diseases.

In order to keep Akita Inu hygienic and protected, you have to level up its grooming.

  • Frequent vacuum cleaning and brushing to remove the filth in fur
  • Trim nails and ear check once a week to spot redness or swelling
  • Wipe ears and nose every time they come back from a tour
  • Brush their teeth to remove foul breath
  • Regular baths keep them away from ticks and tiny harmful bacteria

Besides, you need to keep your eyes on their activities and check whether they are well or not.


Japanese Akita puppy eating kibbles in a  bowl.

This strong and giant dog is susceptible to various harmful bacteria.

In order to boost his immune system, you will have to add protein and other nutrients to his bowl.

Just make sure that the kibbles you give consist of 18% of proteins. They are essential for their growth and development.

Also, Akita American dogs or Akita Japanese dogs require omega acids for overall wellness; Fruits, vegetables, vitamins, prebiotic fiber such as sweet potatoes and pumpkin to enhance immune systems.

Suggested: Toxic food for dogs

Puppy: (8 weeks to 10 months)

Food that supports bone growth and is protein-rich should be added to the pup’s diet.

Before I tell you what else to add, let me educate you on what to avoid in your Akita puppy meals.

  1. Always prefer quality food that is protein-rich and has minerals, veggies, omega acids, etc.
  2. Feed protein to keep muscles healthy, omega acids for organ function, and minerals and veggies for enhancement of immune systems.
  3. Try to provide meals at regular intervals. Do not miss them as Akitas grow super-fast and need the right nutrients in their tummy.
  4. This food should be given 2-3 times at your scheduled time.

And it’s inappropriate and unsuitable for Akita puppies to digest homemade food or snacks. Avoid them!

When it comes to the Akita dog diet, add breed formulated food like American Journey Lamb,

It would be healthier if you feed your Akita Japanese puppy or Akita American puppy kibbles which contain spinach, broccoli, lentils, and other veggies.

Adult: (2 years to 8 years)

You would be surprised by your Akitas’ exponential growth. From “How cute is it?” to “oh, it’s my grown boy!” puppy Akitas jumped into adulthood.

When your Akita puppy turns into a giant fluffy dog, you need to take some dietary considerations seriously.

  1. Continue with vegetable meals.
  2. Providing high-quality food with a good shelf-life. 
  3. Akitas need extra fiber in adulthood. The meal with regular veggies and extra fiber eliminates their adulthood anal gland problems.
  4. Well, protein should be at the top, but never forget to give canned food which is rich in flavor.
  5. For an adult Akita Inu, 3-5 times a meal is apt.

Foods like “American Journey large Breed Adult” or “Taste of the Wild” are sources of high protein, vitamins, and mineral supplements.

Make sure the food you provide has high energy level elements and is low in calories.

The downside of Akitas is he piles on the food if you let him. And this makes them bulky and lethargic!

Senior: (8 years+)

Akita dog breeds join the club of seniors when they turn 8.

And it’s imperative to switch their diet in their golden years. Well, vitamins and minerals play crucial roles but nutrients like glucosamine and chondroitin support aging joints.

Be ready to cut off several items that you used to give in adulthood and move to light food, especially diets that have fewer calories and fats.

For your Akita senior dog, you can feed debone chicken and other chicken meals. It’s always helpful if you check and follow our senior dog food diet.

Did you know?
Akita Inu is one of the dog breeds that can walk smoothly on snow with its webbed toes.

Health And Vaccination

Akitas originate from the island of Japan. Since their origin, they have had a sturdy appearance. But it is also one of the vulnerable dog breeds you will ever see in your life.

Otherwise, for a healthy dog, some of Akita health issues may include gastric and other severe diseases.

Let’s understand their issue and try to find the best solutions.


Akitas suffer from several diseases when they age.

One of them is dysplasia.

It’s a health problem wherein the pooch thigh bone doesn’t fit comfortably with the hip joint.

As a result, Akitas start limping and experiencing severe pain. Over time, it leads to Arthritis, which becomes way difficult for dogs to bounce back.


  • Show pains on both rear legs
  • Limping
  • Find it difficult to sit and walk

It’s an ancestral problem in dogs. The only way to figure it out is to find out Akita history to avoid owning one that is likely to catch this disease.


This life-threatening disease is also called Gastric dilatation-volvulus.

In bloating, your pooch’s stomach expands and twists in a way that makes it difficult to belch.

In order to remove gas from the stomach, they try to puke.

After vomiting, blood that returns to the heart impedes. And this drops blood pressure levels and dogs experience shocks.


  • Salivating excessively
  • Abdomen swelling
  • Suspect lethargic and rapid heart rate

Seek medical assistance as soon as you find a dog in these conditions.

It mostly occurs when there is a compromise in Akitas diet. If there is no medical help, these conditions can even lead to a worse situation.

Progressive Retinal Atrophy

It’s an eye disease that impairs dogs’ eyesight and eventually makes them blind.

In the early stage, affected dogs become night blind.

The worst of all is this disease cannot be cured by any experts.

And best you can do is to delay vision loss by antioxidant therapy or keep them in an unchanged environment so they can find you easily.

Sebaceous Adenitis

The symptom of this skin disease occurs when the canine is 1 to 5 years old.


  • Loss of haircoat
  • Scaly or dry skin
  • Foul odour

When the pooch catches SA (Sebaceous Adenitis), its sebaceous glands in the skin get destroyed.

As a result, dogs feel discomfort performing duties and remain inactive.

Dogs suffering from Sebaceous Adenitis have to go through multiple therapies, from Keratoplastic agents to oral therapies.

Akita dogs must be vaccinated with Canine Parvovirus. Also, Canine Distemper must be given 5 times from 6,8,10, 12, and 16 weeks of age respectively. It’s imperative to get your dog Deworming vaccinated. For better understanding, you can always check our comprehensive guide on vaccination.

Frequently Asked Questions

No. Akita Japanese puppies or Akita American puppies are not dangerous. They get exasperated only when you or an outsider provoke them.

Yes. They are affectionate, loyal, and good family dogs. They were bred to hunts wild bears and boars but they have always been quiet and loyal to humans.

No! Akitas are known as heavy shedders and have a fur coat but they are not hypoallergenic in any way.

Akita puppy price ranges between 3,500$ to 5,500$ for purebreds. Akita puppy pricing is high because they are fewer in number.

Yes. Akitas can be good guard dogs when you train them rigorously. They have a rich history of guarding royalty in Japan. If given training properly, these sturdy breeds of dogs can be exceptional guard dogs.

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Hey Dog lover!

Thanks for reading! I hope you enjoyed learning about this breed.

The information on this article was limited. But we gave our best shot to share the best we can.

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