Shih Tzu

Shih Tzu

Shih Tzu is a small-sized, moderately weighed and exceedingly “cute” Toy Group Dog breed.

Noticed how much we are emphasizing on the ‘cute’ part?

The face of a puppy is what melts even the coldest hearts.

It’s long, silky coat is the definition of royalty.

No wonder, Shih Tzu origins are from the Chinese royal family.

Dog temperament is of a beautiful breed but that does not mean that it’s not active.

This four-legged creature is a ball of energy inside the house and always either wants or give attention.

And No, Don’t even try ignoringthis canine.

And if you want to know more about the amazing breed,

Shih Tzu Facts

  • Avg. Weight: 9-16 pounds.
  • Avg. Height: 9-10 1/2 inches tall.
  • Life Expectancy: 10-18 years.
  • Dog Group: Toy Dog Group.
  • Colors: Black, Black & White, Gray & White, or Red & White.

At A Glance

At A Glance
  • Size (2/5)

 A typical Shih Tzu weighs in the range of 9 to 16 pounds.

He stands at around 9 to 10 and a half inches from the ground.

  • Affection Level (5/5)

 We can’t stress enough but this is where the breed is at its best.

 You can count on your Shih Tzu to be the people’s charmer.

  1. Apartment- Friendly (4/5)

 Shih Tzu characteristics are of a highly-domesticated type of a canine.

 A space like an apartment is where he is at his most comfortable self.

  • Cold Weather Tolerability (3/5)

 A Shih Tzu has a long, smooth coat on himself which protects him from moderate cold weather conditions.

For harsher cold conditions, an overcoat can be used for protection.

  • Hot Weather Tolerability (2/5)

 A Shih Tzu has a straight-face that means there’s no presence of nose passage for air to cool down.

 Also, the coat can also cause over-heating in extremely hot conditions.

The parent needs to have knowledge of cooling down his dog when a Shih Tzu can’t tolerate the heat by himself.

Dog is world’s Advice: Try avoiding outings with your Dog when there's extreme hot weather outside. An air-conditioned room for staying in is advisable in such conditions.
  • Barking Tendencies (2/5)

 A Shih Tzu is generally a very quiet breed mostly not reacting to any external stimuli.

Sometimes it can though bark to any outsider, human or an animal.

  •  Cat-Friendly (4/5)

 At first, it might resist feline creatures.

 He can quickly befriend them also, a specialty that it posses deeply.

  • Dog-Friendly (4/5)

The breed is considered as a docile pet from the start.

You don’t have to worry about your Shih Tzu to react to his other counterparts.

  • Exercise Needs (2/5)

 The breed doesn’t require necessary outings every day.

That doesn’t mean it isn’t active.

You can play small backyard games with your little one to keep his health in check.

  • Grooming Needs (4/5)

The long, shiny fur coat needs the most attention from the start of a Shih Tzu’s developing stage to the adult phase.

Many Shih Tzu parents assign a grooming professional as the task can get overwhelming for many of us.

While we are talking about grooming here, take care of his nails and clip them regularly.

Dogisworld’s Advice: Keep a check of your Dog’s eyes for dog eye discharge. They can get cause irritation if not cleaned at regular interval.
  • Playfulness (3/5)

As a parent, you should always get your little pet to play some backyard games with you regularly.

Your Shih Tzu will be an active participant in those games, we’re sure.

  •  Trainability (3/5)

Training based on rewards and treats is a positive way to train a Dog.

Shih Tzu’s are a very impressionable breed and get easily trained with positive training reinforcements.

Trainings such as potty training can begin with puppy stage in a Shih Tzu.

  • Intelligence (4/5)

For his small size, the breed is a very intelligent dog.

Easy to differentiate who is an outsider to his space, a Shih Tzu makes sure that he has your attention when he wants it.

  •  Mouthiness (4/5)

A Shih Tzu has chewing tendency at his developing stage.

With proper training, it reduces as he gets used to behaving around a family.

  • Price Group (2/5)

The breed’s cost generally ranges from $900-$2500.

While getting a Shih Tzu for your household, keep knowledge of the bloodline of that particular canine.

About Shih Tzu

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About Shih Tzu

Shih Tzu is generally considered as a sociable, docile canine but there is always the need for early training and socializing.

With the essential training, the breed grows up to be more rounded dogs and less timid in general.

The dog is mostly happy with any sort of space they are in, provided they have humans around. An ideal place would be an apartment-like space.

There is a high degree of attention needed from the parent which means he either wants to play with you or sit on your lap.

Being a Shih Tzu also includes some small, regular activity as adult dogs can easily get over-weight if not a part of some fitness routine.

Where Shih Tzu Came From?

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D.	Where Shih Tzu Came From

‘Shih Tzu’ in the Chinese language refers to as “lion-dog” and it is where his origin lies.

These were breaded by Tibetan monks by the crossing of two much older Sino-Tibetan breeds, the Lhaso Apso and the Pekingese.

The monks offered them as a gift to the king which led to the breed becoming a royal breed.

With the British occupation of China, the breed also went to places such as Europe and the Americas, ultimately becoming very popular there also.

Dogisworld 's Facts: When you're around a Shih-Tzu, you're around someone that has witnessed world history. From the Chinese to the British and the Americas, this breed has truly been in every corner of the world during its journey.

Shih Tzu Size:

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