Gull Dong – The Dazzling Rawalpindi Express

Gull Dong in the forest

After the fastest Pakistani bowler, Shoaib Akhtar, it is Gull Dong who could actually match up to his speed and greatness!

To all of you who wants to know what this breed is all about, it is a cross breed between a Gull Terrier and Bully Kutta. Incorporating the sheer speed of Gull Terrier and the strength of Bully Kutta, Gull Dong is just terr-yfing.

On the first look, Gull Dongs might not look dangerous, rather they appear to be small, cute and squishy but it has an infamous reputation of scaring away even the big cats!

Size does not matter, eh? 😉

If you are a newbie in owning dogs, this dog is just NOT for you. Your day to day routine is just going to be another episode of Khatron Ke Khiladi!

Although it is cute, training them is going to be on 10% luck, 15% strong will, 20% skill, 25% pleasure and pain but a 100% reason to remember its name!

Do not worry, after the training your pooch will rise like Dark Knight

Let us take time out and educate ourselves about Gull Dong and see what this hunting dog is all about.

Note: The motive of DogIsWorld is to promote the revival and adoption of the endangered Indian dog breeds by writing this article. The in-fur-mation on Gull Dong is very limited and we have tried our best to provide the most accurate details.

Did You Know?
An untrained Gull Dong is so dangerous that it is banned in homes by the New York City Housing Authority!!

Gull Dong Images

Quick Facts

Quick Facts on Gull Dong

Average Height: 30 inches to 38 inches

Average Weight: 40kgs to 60kgs

Dog Group: Guard Dog, Hunting Dog

KCI Ranking: N/A

At A Glance

Gull Dong is a medium-sized dog breed that is muscular and strong. The average height of Gull Dong withers from 30 inches to 38 inches and the average weight withers from 40kgs to 60kgs.
The Male Gull Dong’s height varies from 34 inches to 38 inches and the Female Gull Dong’s height varies from 30 inches to 34 inches.
The Female Gull Dong’s weight withers from 40kgs to 50kgs and the Male Gull Dong’s weight withers from 50kgs to 60kgs

The average lifespan of Gull Dong is 10 years to 14 years. It could go up to 15 years if it is under good care and has a healthy lifestyle.

Bred to be out in the farms and forest to hunt wild animals, Gull Dong has a very low apartment tolerance. They are meant to be outside and they have immense energy inside them which needs to be released as often as paw-sible.
Gull Dongs are hunter dogs and they have high chase drives. So, locking them up inside an apartment might drive them crazy and destructive.

Indian/Pakistani Bully Dog or the Gull Dong is a one-man dog. They do not prefer to be cuddled and touched by everyone, except their one and only. If trained well, they can gel well with a family and even children. Although they are ferocious and dominant in general, a well-trained Gull Dong will guard your children like it is their own. 

Hell Naw, mate! You do not want this dog to go on a rampage, do you?
They do not do well with other pets so do not get another pet if you plan on adopting a Gull Dong. They are malicious and the chance of attacking ANY pet in general is 10 folds and if it is in your own house, oh dear lord, it will be a massacre!!
Raising a dog which is of the same dog group to that of Gull Dong, the chances of bloodshed is less and it’s a little bi-risky. Although for that, you have to train both of them since puppyhood with high dominance and will.

Gull Dong does not bark often but might bark very loudly when they sense something fishy or wrong.
If it barks, the entire neighborhood will be alerted due to their loud barks. Thankfully they do not bark very often and obedience training might just make him calm and a good guard dog.

Bred in the Punjab and Sind, are used to both Summers and Winters. Although, due to their short coat they might suffer a little during winters. So, make sure you warm your Gull Dong with enough clothes that will make him all jumpy and alive again!

Indian/Pakistani Bulldog or Gull Dong is a very intelligent dog breed, thanks to the genes of Gull Terrier. This makes training hard and easy at the same time. It is going to be easy if you are an experienced dog owner and you have trained your pooch before. If you are a beginner, boy oh boy, you are going to have your hands full!!
I would recommend you to hire a professional dog trainer to handle things for you in an easier and fashionable way.

Gull Dong has a very high energy level as it was bred for fighting, guarding, and working. A busy and occupied Gull Dong will make him a sweet and good boi. They always look for something or the other to do to release their energy.
They need around one hour of exercise every day or at least 3kms a day of just walking. If you are making them exercise, make sure they do it rigorously for one hour or a decent amount of running for two hours. This will keep them satisfied and quiet without being destructive.

Grooming needs, what? Gull Dongs have a short coat and they do not need any grooming other than the “necessary” ones. They require occasional showering with weekly brushing to keep them neat and tidy.
Brush their teeth as we brush ours on a regular basis to avoid tooth decay in the future. Nail clipping, eye cleaning, ear cleaning, and anal cleaning need to be done on a regular basis.

It is not paw-sible to have a 100% allergy-free dog breed. Gull Dongs are not hypoallergenic, and they might carry some or the other allergy along with them which might cause certain allergic reactions to people with fur sensitivity.
occasional shower with weekly brushing usually takes care of this problem so you need not worry much.

Oh! The price of Gull Dong at the adoption center is free. No, No! You read that perfectly! Gull Dongs are available easily at the majority of the animal shelters so you need not buy them from a breeder.
The price of a Gull Dong ranges from 6,000 INR to 12,000 INR.


Gull Dong staring

Gull Dong is a majestic, ferocious canine infamous for its aggression. It was bred in the North-West part of India pre-independence time. It now lies in the North of Punjab, edging with the Pakistan’s Sindh border.

This breed has a strong muscular physique by carrying a lean torso that carries a broad chest with stiff and hard neck on its back. Having a short, smooth coat brings it close to resemble a Staffordshire Bull Terrier, a little larger version of it though.

There are a lot of names that this dog bred goes by. Naming a few “Bully Gull Terr”, “South Asian Gull Dong”, “Indian Gull Dong”, “Pakistani Gull Dong”, “South Asian bulldog”, “Indian Bulldog”, and “Pakistani Bulldog”.

Our notorious dog breed is medium sized with large head. Their excellent eyesight is complimented with their mesmerizing honey-colored eyes. Gull Dong has floppy lips with a very powerful muzzle. They have their abdomen tucked up with strong legs that helps them during hard chases that ends in perfectly round paws.

A male gull dong weighs between 50kgs to 60kgs while a female gull dong weighs between 40kgs to 50kgs. The height of a Gull Dong towers between 30 inches to 34 inches for female while it towers between 34 inches to 38 inches for males.

They are a popular breed in Pakistan and western region of Punjab, but a rare breed throughout the world. Having a natural wariness of strangers and a distrust of other animals, their territorial instincts make them an intimidating dog breed.

A strong, dominating, and experienced owner is the one who can tame a Gull Dong and make them into a ‘good boi’. Having the genes of the strong and robust Bully Kutta, a Gull Dong can be a turr-ifying breed for the household if it isn’t trained properly.

Did you Know?
During the early 1900s, when “dogfighting” was very common, Gull Dong was the undisputed champion for three consecutive years!!

Looks like we have found our Mohammad Ali eh?


History of Gull Dong

Let us get you to a blast from the past during the era of British Dominance in India. When the British travelled to India and visited Punjab and Sind (currently located in Pakistan), they were really impressed by the speed of Gull Terrier and the strength of Bully Kutta.

So, they wanted to cross-breed these two magnificent dog breeds in such a way that they get the best of both the worlds. Thus, emerges from the ashes like a phoenix, none other than our Gull Dong.

There are no official records or documentation regarding Gull Dong’s recognition, although some scholars believe that it emerged during the early 1900s.

During the 1900s, when the Richie riches used to gamble on dog fighting, English Bull Terrier was one of the two contestant but not the best. So, to make their competition fierce one of the colonels has the idea of breeding Gull Terrier, for its speed and Bully Kutta for its strength.
Damn! Don’t you guys get the vibe of superman from this dog? Faster than sound and stronger than steel! That is exactly like Gull Dong!!  

Since Gull Dong started to emerge, they had been winning the competition for 3 years continuously! Thus, to make the competition more fierce, the breeding of English Bull Dog with Terriers took place, thus resulting in English Bull terrier.

Now THAT is some fierce and interesting history that we did not learn in school, isn’t it?

KCI has not officiated this breed as an Indian Breed due to its bizarre and questionable history. Currently, this breed is found massively in the western-most region of Punjab and it is found in bulk in Pakistan’s Sind region. Although, it is pretty rare across the world.

Facts Theatre

Parenting Guide and Care

Gull Dong Parenting guide

1. Hola! Bonjour! Namaste!

Socializing your Gull Dong dog since they are puppies is a must! They are very aggressive and might end up injuring strangers if they sense danger towards their master. Make sure you expose them to various sight, sound, animals, humans and other situations.
This will make them accustomed to people around them and they can “chill out”in the future when you take them out to play or invite someone over.

2. Eye of the tiger baby, Eye of the tiger!

Bred for dog fighting, hunting and guarding, they have potent energy that is pent up inside them that needs to be released as much as paw-sible!
They need rigorous training for one hour a day or a good amount of walk of at least 3kms to 4kms. A proper professional training regime will release their mental and physical exertion.
Even one day of missing out on their training regime, your house will be in trouble due to their excessive energy.

3. Big Boss!

A willful and determined Gull Dong still needs his hooman for support when things are going the right way. Paw-sitive reinforcement techniques will show wonders for this breed.
Since the time they are pups, make sure you lead the way. Show them that you are their leader and they will start respecting you. For example, lead the way when you jog or walk. Let them follow you wherever you go and this will help in their mental training to think that you are the boss!

4. Do not Un-leash the best!

Okay so whenever you are out on the road, I am sure you do not want to see bloodshed of every tiny thing that is out there, right?
So do not let you pooch out of the leash! Start training your Gull Dong to learn the meaning of leash and not be afraid of it.
Although it is okay to let them out of the leash in a closed and fenced area where they cannot escape.

5. Boulevard of broken pets!

Do not own smaller pets when you have Gull Dong! If at all they see a pet that is small, let’s say a hamster, even though they might be in a cage they will be determined to hunt them down. Their notoriety is deeply infused in their veins than that of Veerappan.            

6. Live life, king size!

Gull Dongs do not and cannot adjust well in a small apartment. They need a lot of space to run as they were bred in villages and forests. Due to their energy and size, they need to keep moving here and there in order to release their energy.
Small spaces will not give them enough leg-room to move which might result in anxiety and increase in their aggression.
A city lifestyle is not recommended although a big apartment/house with a lot of space to move or a good backyard for movement will be perfect!

7. Caution: Do not try this at home!

Other than small pets, like we spoke earlier, leaving small children at home without supervision can be risky too. If your pooch is not used to the baby or if they are undergoing training, it can be problematic.
Although, a well-trained Gull Dong would be the perfect guard dog for your baby and it will protect them with their life.

Suggested: Apartment Friendly Dogs

Gull Dong Personality and Temperament

Temperament of a Gull Dong

Personality being a bit similar to that of a Gull Terr, being just loyal and affectionate to their owners and even jovial towards kids if they are trained well.

They are very suspicious of strangers and they automatically get into an attacking mode if not kept on a leash. Each and every Gull Dong has two different type of personalities and it is completely up to the owner on the way they raise their pooch.

One type is when they are friendly, loyal and affectionate to their family and suspicious to strangers but do not attack them unless told by the owner. The other is one is the loud, aggressive and stranger-attacking mode that they are on if the owner does not train them well. In both the cases, one thing that is common is the loyalty and affection towards owners.

You can see that a Gull Dong is affectionate around teenagers although might be a little aggressive towards babies. This is mainly because of the naughtiness of the babies that trigger them. So always make sure that they are under supervision so that nothing major happens around the house.

Being a very interesting dog breed, they are highly stubborn and willful. You need to be a dominant, determined and smart in order to bring out the best out of your Gull Dong. What many people understand by “dominance” is to beat the dog or scare the dog to train them. This will not only result in making it more aggressive but might even turn to attack you.

 Training them by giving positive reinforcements is the best way. Giving them treats whenever they do something correctly or patting their head with a kiss will bring out the friendly version out of them. This will also make them respect you and think highly of you to an extent where they can do anything, literally anything, for you.

They have a strong jaw and unlike their counter-part, Bully Kutta, they do not drool around the house and you can make them sleep by your side at night and have a nice long cuddly sleep.

Colors And Grooming

White and Brindle

When it comes to the grooming part of an Indian dog breed, it is always going to be pocket friendly.

Gull dongs have a short coat and they require occasional showering. Their brushing must be done weekly to keep them neat and tidy. Making them take a shower is going to be a task for you. So, make sure you get them accustomed to it since childhood.

Their teeth should be brushed on a daily basis so that you can avoid tooth decay in the future. If at all you still feel there is a bad odor in their mouth, take them to the vet as soon as possible. Ear cleaning, nail clipping, and anal cleaning must be done frequently to avoid germs and infections.

Feeding A Gull Dong

Feeding Gull Dong

Being an Indian dog breed, homemade dog food can be given, but with a proper meal management. Living in the streets of villages, they have been acquainted with a basic meal and their digestive system has become strong through generations.

Although, if you wish for your Gull Dong to lead a long and healthy lifestyle, a proper diet will lead them with less diseases and infections. A diet plan of 50% carbohydrates depending upon the height and weight which includes 4% to 5% of fibers, 30% of proteins, 10% of vitamins and 10% of minerals is perfect amount for an adult Gull Dong.

Note: Do not include Garlic, Chili, and Onion in their diet as they can be poisonous for them.    

A) Puppy (3 months to 12 months)

A Gull Dong puppy requires 4 cups of high nutritious food, 4 times a day. Instead of calcium tablets which is suggested by your vet, milk along with food makes a better substitute

The food that you give to your Gull Dong puppy must be divided equally in terms of proteins, carbohydrates, vitamins and minerals.

150gms of rice (1 cup) with 50-70gms of boiled chicken or half a boiled egg with cut fruits and vegetables will suffice the quality intake for 1 meal.

You can also include chapati/roti in their diet but that has to be mashed well along with the chicken broth in such a way that it is liquid-y. The serving intake can either increase or decrease depending upon the weight, height and exercise regime of your pooch. Do not increase or decrease it drastically but by 20gms-30gms on an overall basis.

B) Adult (14 months to 5 years)

An adult Gull Dong will need 3 cups of high nutritious food, thrice a day. You can feed them 150gms of rice (1 cup) with 1 boiled egg or 100-150gms of boiled chicken.

You can also give them 10-15 “roti/chapati” in their diet with 150-200gms of chicken or 1 boiled egg.

During all the meals, make sure you include 1 green vegetable (spinach, broccoli or methi, etc) with a fruit.

Usually, there is no trouble in digesting the food for a Gull Dong, but be careful of the toxic foods that are lethal for dogs.

C) Senior (10 years +)

You can continue feeding them 3 cups of high nutritious food, thrice a day. As they grow older, their metabolism and energy level reduce. You can still feed them 150gms of rice (1 cup) with 1 boiled egg or 100-150gms of boiled chicken.

Or 10-15 “roti/chapati” in their diet with 150-200gms of chicken or 1 boiled egg.

The only time you should think about reducing their diet is when they start panting after meal or you can see their weight increasing.

If this happens, you must immediately consult them to a vet and shift them to a senior dog diet.

Note: Do not change their diet suddenly and do it slowly over a week or two.

Health and Vaccination

Health of a Gull Dong

The ancestry of Gull Dong has been living in forests and streets of the villages fighting and hunting all the predators. They are very healthy and are almost immune to most of the diseases. Although, there are some issues that Bully Kutta and Gull Terr have faced rarely.

So, it is always better to be cautious in case something sad ever occurs to such a majestic breed you would know what to do.

1) Hip Dysplasia

Canine Hip Dysplasia (CHD) is a very common and a severe condition amongst medium and large sized dog breeds. Whenever left unnoticed, this could cater to serious torment in the joints for the canines and once in a while it can even prompt to arthritis.

Trust me, the hips don’t lie!

Genetics is the leading cause of Canine Hip Dysplasia and the catalyst to these factors are sudden growth of weight, lack of nutrition provided and irregular exercising.

Main symptoms of Hip Dysplasia are; decreased activities, stiffness in joints, inflammation in thigh muscles, and bunny hopping gait.

There are many measures that can be taken in order to cure a Hip Dysplasia although the best way that is suggested is to change the lifestyle of your pooch. On the worst note, it can even lead to surgery.

Few measures to be taken are:

  • Decreasing the weight of your pooch to relieve the stress on the hip
  • Changing your exercise grounds to the soft ground so that the landing during their run could be soft
  • Anti-inflammatory medicines to reduce the inflammation which will ease the pain
  • Physiotherapy for your pooch

2) Bloating

One of the most deadly and dangerous condition that is common amongst pets is bloating. Bloating, also called as Gastric Dilatation Volvulus is a condition where a dog’s stomach fills with gases and other food particles due to over feeding and/or low exercise regimes.

Simultaneously, if they run a lot immediately after eating it can lead to bloating. Almost all the dogs can have bloating but it is prominent amongst the deep-chested and medium to large sized dogs.

The main symptoms that you should notice for in bloating are:

  • Excessive drooling
  • Swollen Stomach
  • Rapid Heartbeats
  • Breathlessness
  • Unable to exercise
  • Restlessness and anxiety

The treatment for such severe conditions is very tough. It also depends upon the severity of the bloating. If the severity is low, basic medications that are mixed with their food will help them reduce their bloating. If the severity is high,

  • If the stomach is twisted, you will have to have emergency surgery to untwist it and put it in its original position.
  • A tube will be shoved down the throat of your breed to release their gastral pressure that has been built up
  • In certain cases, a large, hollow needle is put through their belly to their stomach and release their gastral pressure in that way.

Gull Dong must be vaccinated with Canine Parvovirus. From the age of 6, 8, 10, 12 and 16 weeks, Canine Distemper must be given 5 times respectively. Also, ask your vet for a Deworming Vaccination plan as it is a must!! Check out this detailed vaccination guide to understand everything about vaccination before you get your pooch one!

Frequently Asked Questions

Gull Dong is a cross breed between Gull-Terr and Bully Kutta that was bred by British Colonials in India and Pakistan before the partition for hunting and fighting purposes.
Gull Dong has the genes of English Mastiffs and Bull Terriers as well.

Gull Dongs are a very rare breed throughout the world but they are scarcely available in the North-Western region of Punjab but largely available in Pakistan.
They are available in various animal shelters across the country and you could probably try adopting them from there! The breeders charge a lot for this breed as they are under extinction and it would be better if you could just adopt them instead.

The price of a Gull Dong ranges from 6000 INR to 12000 INR. Although, you can find them at the majority of the animal shelters and you can adopt one for free!

Gull Dongs are not dangerous, it is the way you train and take care of them that makes them the way they are. Gull Dongs were bred to be fighting dogs and therefore they are ferocious in nature. Although, there are two sides to a coin that you need to look at!
You must also respect their needs and demands as they are very active in nature.
With proper care, support, and reinforcement training, they can become a wonderful cuddle paw-tners for you at night!

Similar Breeds

Bull Terrier

English Mastiff

American Pitbull Terrier

Bully Kutta


This was all about the Gull Dong dog! The research on this breed was very limited and there is a lot more we have yet to discover about Gull Dong. 

If anybody owns a Gull Dong, do let us know in the comments below on how your first-hand experience was in handling them. Also, if you do have any queries do let us know and we will provide you with the best solution that we could can up with.

Sharing this article on Whatsapp, Instagram, and Facebook will help many people and friends who are stuck in a dilemma.

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Happy Woofing!


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