Miniature Schnauzer

miniature schnauzer

Miniature Schnauzer is a perfect blend of all things beautiful and strong. Resilient and fearless without being aggressive, neat and graceful without being a wimp and constantly carrying a hippie personality with the trademark beard and bushy eyebrows, Mini Schnauzer is the best thing you can ask for in a dog

As their face says this breed was typically German, is also known as Zwergschnauzer (That’s some overweight name. Germans totally know the art of creating fear just by their names). They are companion dogs who were originally bred as ratters and slowly became the heart of Germany and the U.S. Ever since they rank 20th on the list of most popular breeds in America.

Known as “people person”, Miniature Schnauzer is an extrovert who has just taken birth to have fun. He may have been stopped working as a ratter full time but still has that mischievous personality creeping out time and again.

You are in for a life full of affection, a lot of conversations, and a constant wagging tail with Miniature Schnauzer.

One Pro Tip: You keep him wild, he’ll keep you safe!

Did you know?

Jim Kraus has written a book The Dog That Talked To God. The book is about a Miniature Schnauzer who starts talking to God at night and tell his parent all about it.

Let’s see if they really can talk to God or not?

Miniature Schnauzer Pictures

  • Miniature Schnauzer
  • Miniature Schnauzer
  • Miniature Schnauzer

Quick Facts

Average Weight: 11 lb. (5.0 Kg) – 18 lb. (8.2 Kg)

Average Height: 12 – 14 inches

Life Expectancy: 12 – 14 years

Dog Group: Terrier

Colors: White, Black, Salt and Pepper, Silver and Black.

At A Glance

A smaller version of Standard Schnauzer, Miniature Schnauzer is a bundle of love in 14 inches. They do not weight more than 20 pounds and can be a perfect companion for a little ride in the neighborhood.

Known to age gracefully, Miniature Schnauzer lifespan ranges from 12 to 14 years. They live a happy and healthy life up until late ages.

Miniature Schnauzer is one of the finest apartment-friendly dogs. They are compact and a perfect fit for your small home. They will be very calm to handle as long as they are getting enough exercise and cuddles.

Get used to saying “good-boi” every 5 minutes because Miniature Schnauzer is an extremely well –mannered and affectionate dog. He enjoys being the center of attention and will obey you in exchange for a little love from you. He may not do with very small children especially if it takes away his share of amour.

Miniature Schnauzer is not known to be friendly with other dogs because they fear losing the absolute attention of their parents. Genetically bred to hunt, they tend to chase smaller animals and may not go well with cats and other tiny pets. However, it is highly dependent on their social drill. If brought up together with pets of similar temperament they might do better. Might! 

They have a big mouth. If you are planning to adopt a Miniature Schnauzer be prepared to get informed about every minute detail happening around. Yes, they talk and they talk like no other dog breed. We can bear a little “awooh”, can’t we?

A miniature schnauzer is more susceptible to cold weather because of his thick double coat. However, this may become his weakness during summers. Excessive heat can drain them and you may need to get his hair trimmed. Though they adapt pretty well in warm weather you still need to take precautions to keep your dog cool during summers.

Miniature Schnauzers are uber-smart and are known to obey commands 85% of the time if trained properly. They are quick learners and rank 12th on the list of most intelligent dog breeds. Do not doubt the IQ of a schnauzer. They have performed brightly in obedience trials and are known to learn a new command in less than 30 minutes with a maximum of command 15 repetitions.

Miniature Schnauzer needs a lot of exercises which is not limited to a 20-minute walk. They need a lot of extra-curricular activities like dog sports, fetch, and sprints. They are agile swimmers. Make sure you schedule a swimming session at least once a week for your Miniature Schnauzer puppy. Additionally, you have a smart companion for our forthcoming hiking plans.  

They may not require a lot of grooming initially but as they grow, their grooming requirements will increase too. They have a lot of facial hair and need regular brushing and combing. In fact, you will require special tools to groom your schnauzer. Apart from that frequent nail trimming, ear cleaning and clipping is a must.

Yes! It is one of the few hypoallergenic breeds. Miniature Schnauzer does not shed a lot nor does it drool. It is suitable for people who are moderately allergic to dog coat. But, you still need to have patience to brush him regularly because there might be dust on his coat, and provide his grooming demands.

Miniature Schnauzer price ranges from $400 - $2400. However, they have high maintenance costing you an additional $1100 per year.

Though a purebred, there are still a lot of schnauzers in the rescue centers waiting for you to take them home. We suggest you try adopting it if you can.

About Miniature Schnauzer

About Miniature Schnauzer

Schnauzer comes from the German word schnauzer’ which means muzzle or nose. It is a reference to their uniquely whiskered snout which almost resembles a full-grown beard and bushy eyebrows.
Separate from the giant and standard Schnauzer, this breed has distinctive physical features and square, athletically built. 

A small dog with a big heart and even bigger attitude, Miniature Schnauzer weight scales not more than 20 pounds. They have a sturdy built, with shoulders broader than the tail and 12 to 14 inches in height.

Miniature Schnauzer is a faithful, feisty, and highly intelligent breed. They are extremely affectionate towards their people and equally fierce with strangers. It is a well-known fact that their bark is nastier than their bite.

Schnauzers were bred as working dogs originally, and have a fairly high level of energy. They are brilliant swimmers and need dog sports along with the regular evening strolls.

Miniature Schnauzer lifespan goes to 14 healthy years. Born to impress and please, you are up for some sweet journey with your Schnauzer.

Life’s a little better with a Miniature Schnauzer, one cannot deny!

Did you know?

Schnauzer was known as Wire-Haired Pinscher for the first four centuries of its being. In an 1870 dog show, Wire-Haired Pinscher made a standout for its beard and fanciers renamed the breed Schnauzer.

German always works!


Mini Schnauzers History

The smallest of all the schnauzers, Miniature Schnauzer was bred in the 1800s as a farm dog in Germany. It is believed that a Miniature Schnauzer puppy was a cross between Affenpinscher and poodles. As a terrier, Schnauzers were once rodent hunters. However, over the years they have become adorable and loyal family dogs. They still hunt rodents though. Don’t be surprised to see your doggo getting a dead rat as your birthday present.

Miniature Schnauzer is the only terrier that did not come from European Isle breeds.

They came to America from Germany after World War II, much later of the Standard and Giant Schnauzer. Last but not the least; they gained fame overnight becoming the third most popular breed in America at that time. It was recognized as a distinct breed from Standard Schnauzer by 1899 in Germany. AKC recognized the Miniature Schnauzer in the year 1926 and since it is the only Schnauzer remained in the American Terrier Group.

Miniature Schnauzer today, however, traces back to one single dog named Dormen Display, born in 1945. They rank 20th on the list of most popular breeds in the U.S., Germany, and England. They are mostly used as show dogs where owners practice cropping their ears and docking their tales. This might lead to further changes in Miniature Schnauzer Puppy in a distant future.

Facts Theatre

Parenting Guide and Care

Parenting Guide and Care for Miniature Schnauzer

There is just a lot to do when you have a Mini Schnauzer around you.

  • Provide them exercise and mental stimulation. Miniature Schnauzer is a highly energetic and intelligent dog. It needs a lot of physical training other than regular evening walks. You need to make a routine for him which includes walking and fun activities like dog sport to keep him physically and mentally healthy. Here are some ideas to challenge their brain.
  • Schnauzers are very obedient and have stood out in command-learning. Under testing, they have proved to know a command 85% of the time and can learn a new command in just 5-15 repetitions. A little bit of obedience training you can make use of your Mini Schnauzer’s brains.
  • Miniature Schnauzer loves attention. So, you may have to take a lot of time for him to play around with you. They are equally fierce with strangers and are known to be loud dogs. If your Miniature Schnauzer has barking tendencies it is important to start working on bark control early.
  • Miniature Schnauzers are food-motivated breed. It is easy to train them if you can give them a little greed for delicious treats. Once they fall in love with you and start obeying, you can make them do anything. Just make sure that the training sessions are short and non-repetitive. They tend to get bored easily.
    Miniature Schnauzer puppies are easy to potty train. Start with an early training so that he is perfectly trained till the time he reaches his adulthood.
  • Miniature Schnauzer is hypoallergenic and is best and is a perfect fit for people who are mildly allergic to dogs. Miniature Schnauzer sheds very little.
  • Known as a city dog, they can accommodate comfortably in an apartment. They do not require a lot of physical space but are always in dire need of a giant-sized space in your heart.

Personality and Temperament

Personality and Temperament of Miniature Schnauzer

Miniature Schnauzer has a big personality and loves to be a part of every family discussion.  He will follow his favorite person everywhere in the house and will not want to be left alone. One clingy dog, he needs to know what goof you are up to every time.

They are very smart and can get started on mischief if given the space. They can grasp things pretty fast and will quickly learn how to open the cabinet that has his treat or toy. They need a lot of attention, if not given he might resort to “bad-boy” behavior like biting your shoes to get attention. Proper obedience and command training bring them under control.

They may be small in size and a lot of people consider them to be lap dogs, they are not. They are always energetic and you will always see your Miniature Schnauzer running the entire house, or digging in the garden. They are alert and wary of strangers which makes them excellent watchdogs. They should not be left alone in the yard for a long time because their barking habits can create a nuisance for your neighbors. Though, his barking habits can be tempered through proper training.

They were originally bred as ratters and were later adapted as family dogs. This instinct makes them chase any smaller animal in movement. Though they are less dominating than their other counterparts, Miniature Schnauzer’s temperament can never come in terms with other pets unless brought up together since puppyhood. They might have issues with young children and might go around chasing the poor little human baby.  

Overall, he is a total package of handsome, smart, playful, and well-manner dog that makes the family feel whole.

Did you know?

Miniature Schnauzer’s best friend is a German Shepherd and both are known to be the ward of predators. Farmers sometimes use both of these breeds to keep livestock safe. Miniature Schnauzer’s excellent ears and a loud bark alert the GSD when they are in trouble. Brothers-in-arm!

Colors and Grooming

Miniature Schnauzer colors are mainly three but did you know that there is a fourth controversial color for Miniature Schnauzer? – Solid White. Though, it is not recognized by the Kennel Club because it is a result of gene modification with a big no-no with breeding standards.

Miniature Schnauzer requires a lot of grooming. They have a double coat – a wiry topcoat and a smooth undercoat. The wired coat came along with their instincts of digging grounds. It keeps the debris off their skin and protects them from infection. This means they need frequent brushing and bath once a month or more depending on their coat and body odor.

This breed is known as one of the non-shedding breeds. Mostly the loose hair gets caught by the undercoat which leads to no or minimal shedding. However, they need grooming from a professional. You may also have to buy a few professional tools to make him look primp and preen.

The Miniature Schnauzer mustache isn’t just for show. They were ratters who were trained to hunt and kill vermin. The facial hair was matted down into a thick shield to protect their face from any potential threat from their prey. Today, it has become their style statement and needs proper cleaning.

They are fascinating show dogs and for the ring, some dog’s coat is trimmed regularly. You can get your Mini Schnauzer trimmed every five to eight weeks from a professional groomer to make him look the best.

Nails should be clipped monthly and ears checked weekly for excess wax. Get anal cleaning done once a month and clear his eye regularly because this breed is prone to accumulation of dog eye discharge which may lead to eye infections.


Feeding Miniature Schnauzer

Puppy (8 weeks – 12 months)

  • You must feed at least 1/4th of a cup of dry food three to four times a day if your puppy is less than eight weeks.
  • Post eight weeks, you can reduce it to two or three meals a day with the same quantity.

A Miniature Schnauzer Puppy needs around 400 calories every day. This is their growing and developing period so they may eat more than an adult Schnauzer. Do not be surprised to see him eat a lot. Just do not over-feed him.

Adult (1 Year – 5 Years)

  • An average adult Miniature Schnauzer requires about ½ cup of high-quality dry food twice a day.

Miniature Schnauzer is an energetic breed and it requires food according to its exercise routine. Make sure you give him enough food so he does not become cranky throughout the day. As an adult, they need approximately 1000 calories per day.

Senior (11 years – 14 years)

  • You can continue feeding him ½ cup of high-quality dry food twice a day.
  • You can also substitute one meal with homemade dog food.

Senior dogs have a slower metabolism and tend to become less active. If you see signs of obesity in your dog you may want to shift to a senior dog diet routine.

Miniature Schnauzer is a big foodie and he might tend to over-eat if given a chance. The trick is to feed your little buddy enough to provide all the nutrients he needs without making him obese. You can talk to your vet if you have concerns about how much to feed.
Suggested: Senior Dog Food

Health and Vaccination

Health and Vaccination

Miniature Schnauzer is a healthy dog but it may be prone to some health conditions. They don’t need to have this but you need to aware of what can be up with your pooch.

Entropion – Brachycephalic or flat-faced dog breed like a pug, bull-dog, Schnauzer, are prone to ocular discharge because of their shallow eye sockets and protruding eyes. This sometimes leads to entropion, inward-rolled eyelids, and tear drainage problems causing irritation. It may injure the eyeball. If your dog has entropion, you may see him scratching his eyes with redness around his retina. This condition is mostly cured surgically.

Cataracts – Cataract, another eye problem, causes clouding of the eye lens. It is a common health issue and is mostly seen in senior dogs. They generally have to go through a minor eye operation to remove the opacity and clear the vision. Symptoms may include a change in color of the pupil size, shape or color, clumsiness, rubbing the eyes, or difficulty in seeing in dimly lit places.

Urolithiasis or Urinary Stones – Urinary Stones can cause your Miniature Schnauzer to start passing blood while urinating. He may start to urinate more than usual and have cloudy or foul-smelling urine. Small bladder stones can pass on their one, but others may need surgery. Get a proper diet for your dog from the vet. It may not cure the stones but prevent from forming more.

Progressive Retinal Atrophy (PRA) – This is an eye disease that leads to degeneration of the retina, causing vision loss or complete blindness. The symptoms may not appear at early ages but it may include night blindness, bumping into things in dim light, or unwillingness to go into dark rooms. It is hereditary. Adopt your puppy from a responsible dog breeder that keeps a check on the breeding lot for such health conditions.

Myotonia Congenita – Recently detected in Miniature Schnauzer puppy, this is a genetic disease that marks the inability of skeletal muscles to relax after a voluntary movement. Symptoms can begin from puppyhood and include difficulty in getting up, stiff coats, and bunny-hoping while running. Their tongue stiffs up and swell and their lower jaw are peaked with a difficulty in swallowing. Get your puppy DNA tested for the gene that causes it.

Von Willebrand’s Disease – It is a blood disorder that is found in both humans and dogs. It is caused due to deficiency in the amount of a specific protein needed to form platelets that cloth the blood. Symptoms include nosebleeds, bleeding gums, prolonged bleeding from a surgery, prolonged bleeding during heat cycles, or occasional blood in the stool. It is mostly diagnosed between the ages of three to five and can be treated with surgery. Rush to the vet as soon as you see such symptoms. 

If you are buying a puppy make sure it is from a responsible breeder. Check the lot history and make sure you have an approved health certificate for the dog’s parents.

Your Miniature Schnauzer must be vaccinated with canine parvovirus and for canine distemper on 6, 8, 10, 12, and 16 weeks of age and then a booster every three years.
Make sure to also get a deworming vaccination plan for your pooch from your vet.
Vaccination is a whole lot of things to cover. You can read our Guide To Dog Vaccination for further information.

Frequently Asked Questions

Yes! Miniature Schnauzer are hypoallergenic and best for people who are allergic to dog fur. They have a double coat and the undercoat catches the loose hair, they hardly shed. Many people consider Miniature Schnauzer a perfect house dog, especially the ones who have asthma.

Miniature Schnauzer price ranges from $400 to $2400. Additionally, it has a $1000 petting cost for a year. 

Miniature Schnauzer full grown can take up to a year. They reach their physical and sexual maturity within 6 months for Miniature Schnauzer female and 12 months for males. They might put on weight and fill out well by the end of the second year.

Miniature Schnauzer is a well-mannered and extremely obedient dog. With a little bit of training and socialization, he can be the smartest and perfectly trained dog. This breed is very affectionate and your Mini Schnauzer will love you more than anything. It is very loyal and protective of his family and can go to any extent to keep you away from danger.
They are small dogs with a big heart and a lot of love to give.

Yes! Miniature Schnauzer has a big mouth and it will let you know every detail of what’s going on in his mind. They talk a lot which might get a little loud for people around. Early training of bark control can make his submissive and less outspoken.

Miniature Schnauzers are very intelligent and they know how to control a situation. They can be left alone and they will work their way out over the day. Just leave enough toys and chewy things. Empty mind, devil’s dwelling, if not left toys for him to play with; he will resort to tearing your couch or digging dustbin. Now that would not be a pleasant scene.

Miniature Schnauzer ranks on 12th in the list of most intelligent dogs. This means that they are certainly one of the smartest dog breeds. While testing, a miniature schnauzer understood new command in 5 to 15 repetitions while an average dog takes 30-60 repetitions. It has also known to have obeyed commands 85% of the time and after.

What are you waiting for? If you think this is the pet of your dreams, go get him. After all, who does not want to have a man with a beard to show off?

Similar Breeds

Hope you liked what you read and hope we could help you make your mind about this cute little pupper.

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Happy Petting To You!


  1. The information on the Mini Schnauzer is so my Norman. His is such a little ball of energy.
    However potty training is touch and go. I can get him to go #1 on his training pads, but #2 he just doesn’t ‘ hit the Mark’s very often. He is very smart and loves to cuddle. But pooping on his pad…not so much.

    • Hi Yolanda!
      Thanks for sharing your insights on your Miniature Schnauzer – Norman. Yes they are the best when it comes to cuddling! We suggest you go through Potty Training guideline in the Dog Training section to leave no doubts in caring for Norman.


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