Rampur Greyhound – Robinhood Of The North

Rampur Greyhound in grass

The most remarkable anti-depressant has four paws and a wagging tail.

They say beauty is in the eye of the beholder.

Eye-ronically, the Rampur Greyhound has fantastic eye-sight that was used before to hunt small and large games. This “vision-ary” with hunting prowess are so energetic that it is the paw-fect social animal!

The first time you look at a Rampur Greyhound you might be turr-ified to your very soul. This aristocratic breed has a very serene look with apathy in their eyes that will make anybody yelp! Mama says, looks can be deceiving and it is true in this case!

While you may have shivers down your spine, a Rampur Greyhound is the most gentle, caring, and amiable Indian dog breed that you can find. I guess that is what makes them unique and special.

Rampur Greyhounds love meeting new people, animals, birds, trees, basically everything. Wondering where to get a babysitter for your child? All you have to do is, adopt a Rampur Greyhound puppy, and you are set for life. They just love their family members and are extremely loyal who will bring a lot of happiness and joy in your life!

Note: The motive of DogIsWorld is to promote the revival and adoption of the endangered Indian dog breeds by writing this article. The in-fur-mation on Rampur greyhound is very limited and we have tried our best to provide the most accurate details.

Did you know?
Rampur Greyhound has a fantastic sight by being able to cover a 270-degree field of vision!!

Quick Facts

Rampur greyhound quick facts

Average Height: 24 inches to 30 inches

Average Weight: 25kgs to 30kgs

Dog Group: Sighthound

IKC Rank: N/A

At A Glance

Being a large-sized breed, Rampur Greyhound's height withers between 24 inches to 30 inches. The male Rampur Greyhound height varies between 27 inches to 30 inches while the female Rampur Greyhound height varies between 24 inches to 27 inches.
However, the weight of Rampur Greyhounds remains the same for both Male and female dogs withering between 25kgs to 30kgs.

Indian breeds are known to live longer than other breeds due to the great adaptability to Indian weather and climate change. The Rampur hound dog has a lifespan of 13 years to 15 years.

The ideal stay for a Rampur Greyhound is a backyard. They love running and a terrace/backyard would be perfect. Although, they can be house-trained as they are a very quiet breed in general. Although they were bred for the sub-urban people, if you can match its exercise needs and training requirements, they can be excellent house pets. 

You couldn’t have asked for a more family-oriented breed. The North Indian hound are typically affectionate with their family members. They are a one-person dog in general and would listen only to that person who they think is their master. If you raise them in a family, they will think of their family as their pack and their master as the pack leader.
They are very possessive about their family members and would do anything to paw-tect them. If you raise them independently, they will grow extremely affectionate towards you and if you are away for a very long time, they might develop anxiety.
Rampur Greyhound do very well with children but you must be careful as due to their large size, they might unintentionally injure people around. So, train them well if you have a child at home.

Early socialization of Rampur Greyhound will make them extremely friendly with dogs and other pets. However, with cats, you must never trust them as they are comparatively small and might end up injuring them. 

A Rampur Greyhound dogs are not bork-ers. They are a very quiet breed in general. Since they are a hunter breed, they tend to approach their target very slow and steadily. Owners of this breed have not complained about the barking tendencies of the Rampur dog.

Indian dogs in general have high tendencies to tolerate the Indian climate. Being on the streets, their skin has been developed to handle even the harsh climates. They have been known to hunt their prey for hours together in the scorching heat and brain freeze cold climates. 

Therefore, this compliments the fact that they are less prone to major health issues. They have less tolerance to cold comparatively so it would be generous of you if you could provide some warm clothes with this “good boi/good gurl”.

The Rampur hound dog has above average intelligence and makes them comparatively easy to train. They are not a very difficult breed to train and even a novice trainer who has never owned a dog before can train them.  Rampur Greyhound needs a lot of physical exertion and once in a while, they need to prance around at full speed to satisfy their physical needs. Giving them mental stimulation once a while will make them sharper are make their instincts better.

Bred as a hunting dog, this breed has a lot of energy and they need to vent it out as often as paw-sible. If the exercise needs are not met, they will redirect that energy by tearing up everything that is around.
They need a good 1hour of exercise daily. You can go for a jog, walk, a lot of playing, and mental stimulation exercises. Make sure when you let them run at full pace, there fences around the area so that they do not end up in destructive activities.

Indian dogs generally do not have much grooming needs. Rampur Greyhound also has very little grooming needs so don’t worry about shedding out money. They have a short-coat, with low shedding. Make sure you bathe them once in two weeks with weekly coat brushing. Also, brushing their teeth, nail clipping, ear, and anal cleaning must be done regularly.

It is not possible to have any dog breed that is 100% hypoallergenic. Rampur Greyhound sheds less comparatively but they can carry allergens with them. People with dog-fur sensitivity might suffer from allergies.

Being an Indie breed Rampur greyhound might be available at the rescue centers. Rampur greyhound dog price in India withers from 8,000-18,000 INR.


Rampur Greyhound in grass

The backbencher of the dog-class, Rampur Greyhound is a notorious sighthound who always gets in trouble. They are distinctively known for their impeccable sight of being able to see up to a 270-degree vision of a field. This is because of their elongated skull with a tapering muzzle.
Oh, and here I am who cannot even see properly after wearing spectacles!!

Drumrolls for Rampur dog, the legen – wait for it – we hope you are not lactose intolerant because the next half of the word is – dairy. Speaking of dairy, Rampur Greyhound loves paneer and they can feast on them forever.  

They have a narrow and sleek torso with long legs and a long snout. Their tail is thin, long, and in a whip shape that can reach up to its ankle. Their goofy and fun attitude contradicts the big oval piercing eyes with droopy and floppy ears.

Rampur Greyhound is a large-sized breed with a withering weight between 25kgs to 30kgs for both male and female dogs. The height although, varies between 24inches to 27inches for the female dog and 27inches to 30inches for the male dogs. They have a deep chest with an athletic build made especially for hunting. 

Even though the “pehla nasha” and “pehla pyaar” of this breed is hunting, they have unconditional love for their family members. If you are a single parent and if you leave the breed alone for a long stretch of days, they might end up getting anxious and depressed. This is a very energetic and zestful breed who wants to be kept busy throughout the day. Rampur Greyhound loves people who are energetic and play games with them.

Being a highly active sighthound, you have to create a schedule to direct their energy to that particular task. Once they get used to the activities, even if their master/favorite person is not there to give them commands, they will be a “good boi” and complete that activity. One of your family members can even take care of them in your absence. 

Having the genes of a Greyhound, they tend to get aggressive against other pets if they are not socialized at an early age. They tend to have their territory and anyone who comes in their way tends to get barked upon. That is why, teaching your hound about the different people, sights, sounds, birds, animals, etc. from a young age matters.

Rampur Greyhound was bred in the Rampur district where the chicken gets barbequed by just being on road during summers. Living in these climatic conditions, they have developed their skin in such a way that they can be acclimatized to almost all the weather. Winters can be a little tough for them to bear so do provide them with warm clothing.

Did you know?
Rampur Greyhound is a one-man breed and they are known to protect them from even large wild animals such as lions and tigers!!


Rampur Greyhound in sand

Rampur Greyhound has a very regal and noble history. The breed was developed by Nawab Ahmad Ali Khan Bahadur, the ruling noble of Uttar Pradesh during the late 18th Century.

He wanted to create a fast, muscular, and effective greyhound by combining the English Greyhound and Afghan Hound. The strength and speed were given by the English Greyhound whereas, the Afghan Hound added bravery and tolerance to the harsh weather.

Traditionally, this breed was used by the noble clan for hunting purposes. For many centuries, the breed was considered a noble and an elite animal. They were used to hunt medium games such as wild boar, jackals, wolves, etc. to large animals like lions, tigers, and panthers. 

Since the time of the British Raj, both, the maharajas and hunting practices were lost due to which the popularity of these elite beasts also declined rapidly. The remaining Rampur Greyhounds are working animals.

The purebred Rampur Greyhound is now very difficult to find. Since the old English Greyhound is extinct, the pure Rampur Greyhound is extremely rare to find. Although now the population of the Rampur Greyhounds is increasing, they are still on the verge of extinction.

Unfortunately, these handsome looking, noble and elite beasts are not recognized officially by any of the major kennel clubs. They are not famous outside India, Pakistan, Bangladesh, and Nepal. Although, there have been few spotted in the United States of America.

Did you know?
Rampur Greyhound is one of the fastest dogs in the world. It can reach 66 kmph if they are trained well!!

Facts Theatre

Parenting Guide And Care

Famous Rampur Greyhound

A) F.R.I.E.N.D.S

Puppyhood training is a must for Rampur Greyhound. They need to be socialized as early as paw-sible. They are very loyal to their master and they are an excellent one-owner dog. Although, if you want them to be friendly to others around your vicinity, you need to expose them to different sights, sounds, animals, hoomans, etc. A caged Rampur hound might get aggressive as this breed needs a lot of space to move around. They love to go out on car and bike rides if they are exposed to this since childhood.

B) Run Forrest, run

Rampur Greyhound loves to play and run! You have a sighthound buddy, what else do you expect?
Highly intelligent and energetic breeds would want to dash here and there. It would be unfair to lock them up or just take them for a small walk. A good 1 hour to 2 hours of exercise in a day would drain them, which they love, by the way!
If you have a backyard or a terrace, that would be beneficial for them to prance and jump around. An enclosed apartment with no space for them to move around much will end up in destructive results.

C) Yes, boss!

This sighthound is a one-owner breed and if they get attached, they will listen to every command you give. They are very caring about their family members and they will go beyond any extent to protect them.  Start playing with them from a very young age so that they get used to you and a stronger bond will be developed. To train them, always make sure you use paw-sitive reinforcement techniques such as giving a treat if they do something correctly. This will act as a catalyst for them to behave like a “good boi”.

D) Farm means harm

Having a Rampur Greyhound on a farm is not a good option. Their hunter instincts will dive in and they might end up destroying the entire area to hunt each-and-every small game available in that area. They have a habit of killing a dead animal and giving it to their master as an achievement. This is built-up in their genes due to excessive hunting during the time of maharajas.

E) The Greyhound-ian Rhapsody

Rampur Greyhounds are amicable breeds and are pretty social towards other animals. If you have a cat or a dog, they will be the best of friends if you have socialized with them from a young age. If not, the results could be cat-astrophic. If at all you get another sighthound, make sure they both are given the same training and both have a good friendship, right from the start.
Your toddler can be a best friend of this breed, but due to the large size of a Rampur Greyhound, your baby might get hurt. So, be cautious about the same.

Did you know?
Rampur Greyhound was featured on an Indian postage Stamp in 2005.

Rampur Greyhound Personality And Temperament

Rampur Greyhound running

Being one of the friendliest sighthounds, Rampur greyhound thrives for fun. They are very inquisitive and are extremely friendly towards their family, but they are a one-person dog. If you give them any work, they become very meticulous and involved in completing it.

The entire time you can find your pooch sniffing and being inquisitive about something or the other. The minute someone is going to ring the bell, you can find their ears erect, tail wagging, and neck high with excitement as they have a new playmate.

If you are a working dog parent, this is a suitable breed for you. As long as you have a backyard with fences, you can leave your pooch alone with food and water. They know how to take care of themselves. Although, if you are going to be out of town and the house is going to be empty throughout, it would be best to put them with dog-sitters or if a friend of yours can watch them once or twice a day.

They are not prone to anxiety or depression but they might get destructive if things turn out boring and if they have nothing to do. They are big attention seekers and they love to be pampered once a while.

Historically, they were bred to hunt small and large games on a day to day basis. They are considered as one of the grey-test hunters. So, if they are not trained well, they might end up barking and chasing even crows and other birds if they see one. Training them to understand different sounds, sights, and experiences will make them calmer and composed.

It is comparatively easy to train a Rampur greyhound. Since they love to please their master, a good 1 hour of mental stimulation games might work wonders. Keeping them busy will exhaust them and they will get a good night’s sleep.

A regular exercise of one hour along with socializing will give them better experiences. Going outside your property and introducing them to different people will reduce their fear. Introducing them to different people will make them more courageous and well-mannered dog.

During training, you have to make sure you are ahead all the time as they have a pack mentality. If you are ahead of them, they will consider you as their leader and if you give them orders, they will obey in a better way.

Rampur greyhound does not tend to bark in general. Unlike other hound dogs, they do not howl and are rather quiet. The only reason you might hear them bark is if you aren’t giving them enough attention or if they have some kind of pain.   

Crate training for Rampur Greyhound is the worst choice. They can become extremely aggressive and the consequences are drastic. Although, you must put them on a leash from the beginning itself so that they are used to being on a leash. Using a leash outside the house is important until you have the confidence that it wouldn’t harm any other animal.

Suggested: Why do dogs chase their tails?

Colors And Grooming

Black colour Rampur Greyhound
Brindle colour Rampur Greyhound
Cream colour Rampur Greyhound
Grey and Brindle colour Rampur Greyhound
Grey and Brindle
Tan colour Rampur greyhound
White and spots colour Rampur greyhound
White and spots

Indie dogs are very economical. They are very low maintenance breeds with minimal grooming requirements. They have a short and tight coat with minimal shedding. Rampur Greyhounds do not like any kind of professional grooming, just the basics.

Make sure you check their eyes thoroughly often and do remove the eye dirt as frequently as possible. Routine maintenance of nail clipping, ear cleaning, and anal cleaning must be done regularly.

Keep a look for foul breath and if their breath smiles like urine, they could be facing kidney issues. Brush their teeth regularly, just you brush yours so that they can maintain a healthy set of teeth and can avoid tooth decay in the future. 

Feeding A Rampur Greyhound

Feeding a Rampur Greyhound

Rampur Greyhound, being an indie breed loves the staple food that we consume daily. Roti/chapati, vegetables, eggs, meat, and milk are the perfect kind of food that we can give them. Even though they have been brought up as an elite breed, they have been living on the streets for ages now. They are now immune to all kinds of homemade food and that includes vegetarian food too.

A good diet plan with 50% carbohydrates depending upon the height and weight which includes 4% to 5% fibers, 30% proteins, 10% vitamins, and 10% minerals will help them grow stronger.

A) Puppy (8 weeks to 6 months)

A Rampur hound puppy requires a highly nutritious dry food of 4 cups divided equally into 4 portions throughout the day. Consult your vet if the calcium tablets can be fulfilled by having milk instead of calcium tablets.

Feeding a Rampur Greyhound puppy about 3/4th cup of rice (120 gms, approximately) with milk or curd will be sufficient for 1 meal. You can cut fruits and veggies for breakfast for a healthy diet along with a little rice or chapati. 

Do not give more than half a boiled egg in a day. While feeding them chapati, make sure you crush the chapati/roti very finely and mix it well with the meat broth or with diary products.

B) Adult (14 months to 5 years)

Once your pooch hits adulthood, they require a good amount of nutritious food to keep them healthy and fit. Rampur hound must be fed 3 cups of high quality and nutritious dry food thrice a day.

You can now give them 10-15 chapati/roti or half a cup of rice with another half-filled with fruits and vegetables. You can give them 1 boiled egg in an entire day. Do not feed them too much as they tend to put on a lot of weight and can even cause health issues.

Feeding them green vegetables are very good for their health and it gives them a lot of energy. Fibrous foods are one of the best foods to give your pooch so make sure you provide leafy vegetables often. Although, be careful about what kind of food you give them so that you do not give any kind of toxic dog food that could be lethal.

C) Senior (10 years+)

Now that Rampur Greyhound is getting older, you can see that their activities start to slow down too. Watch their activities and exercise regime closely and if everything is fine, you can continue giving them 3 cups of high-quality dry food, thrice a day. If you feel they are becoming obese, stop the diet immediately, and shift to a senior dog diet.

You can ask your vet what kind of diet to put them in. Shifting on a fibrous diet during senior dog age is also beneficial.

Note: Do not change their diet plan and the regime in a sudden go as that might develop gastric issues. You must do it slowly over time of about a week or two.

Did you know?
Onion, garlic, and chili are poisonous for dogs? Also, feeding them a lot of tomatoes can result in indigestion.

Health and Vaccination

Health of a Rampur Greyhound

Living on the streets and hunting wild boars and lions, a Rampur Greyhound has paw-mazing health. Your regular checkups with a vet will be sufficient and you need not spend much from your pockets.

Although, there have cases where their ancestors, English Greyhound, and Afghan hound have faced certain issues. So, it is always good to be precautious about what kind of health problem could arise for the mighty Rampur Greyhound.

1. Canine Hip Dysplasia

Canine Hip Dysplasia (CHD) is a common condition for a large breed such as Rampur greyhound. If this issue is identified in the initial go itself, it can be healed easily and rather pretty quickly. If we do not treat them quickly or if we leave them unnoticed, they could cause torments and pain for your dearest pooch. In the worst case, this could lead to arthritis.

One of the main reasons for a Canine Hip Dysplasia is genetics. The other main reasons are sudden weight gain, improper diet plans, and irregular exercises. These could also act as a catalyst for genetics.

A few of the symptoms that you must look out for in CHD are:

  1. The low intensity in activities
  2. Joint crackling
  3. Lying down the whole day
  4. Inflation of thigh muscles than usual
  5. Bunny hopping gait

The best way to cure a Canine Hip Dysplasia is to change the lifestyle of your doggo. If things have gone farther than expected, in the worst-case scenario, it can even lead to surgery. Here are a few measures that we can take:

  1. Reducing the weight of your pooch so that the stress from hips can be relieved.
  2. Playing grounds and exercise grounds must be shifted to softer ground. This is because, when they land after a jump, it will be on soft ground.
  3. Along with the above measures, an anti-inflammatory tablet given by your vet can ease their pain.
  4. Physiotherapy is can be done to help the pooch relax their thigh muscle.

2. Osteosarcoma

Osteosarcoma or bone tumor in dogs is a condition where the cell production in the body of a Rampur Greyhound might increase rapidly. This goes at a rapid pace and finally breaks down the bone completely. The long bones (arms and legs) are commonly affected the most.

The reason for tumors to appear in large-sized dogs is still unclear but the major cause seems to be genetics, hereditary, environmental problems, and problems while cross-breeding.

Few symptoms of Osteosarcoma are:

  1. Lameness
  2. Distinct swelling of their legs
  3. Lethargy
  4. Reluctant to play or even walk
  5. Loss of appetite

The most common areas that your pooch might be affected are the area above the front knee, the area below the front knee, toes, and sometimes hips as well. The treatment can be done easily only if you notice the symptoms from the initial go itself. The following treatments are done for your pooch:

  1. Surgery is almost and always pursued as long as the option is safe
  2. Local tumor control s done by the amputation of the affected limb
  3. Radiation therapies are performed once in a while
  4. Chemotherapy is almost and always pursued after the surgery to control the tumor from spreading again

3. Gastric Dilatation Volvulus

Gastric Dilatation Volvulus or bloating is a very deadly issue for dogs. Trust me, it isn’t the typical gas release that we have. It is not just, “all we have to do is drink jeera water and everything will be released via farts and burps”.

 Gastric Dilatation Volvulus is a condition in dogs where their stomach is filled with gases, liquid, and solid food particles. This could be because of over-eating, low exercise regimes, or both. Immediate intense exercise after eating can also cause bloating amongst Rampur Greyhound. The problem arises when the stomach turns upside down and this is where the major concern begins. 

The symptoms that you must look for bloating are:

  1. Excessive drooling. Rampur Greyhounds drool in general, although you must look for excessive drooling.
  2. A bulge in stomach due to swelling (This is the symptom that you must ALWAYS watch an eye for. If you do, rush them to a vet immediately.)
  3. Increasing heartbeats while just walking or with very little movements
  4. Breathlessness
  5. Unable to play or jump resulting in low activity regime
  6. Restlessness and anxiety with immense panting

The treatment for bloating can be done quickly only if you notice the symptoms as soon as possible. Low severity bloating can be cured via antibiotics and medicines. In case if the stomach has been turned upside or the severity of bloating has increased following are the treatments:

  1. A thin tube is put inside your pooch via their throat where they can release all the gases. The food and liquid particles are then released through their poop.
  2. There are few cases where the vet might even put a thin, long needle-type tube down your pooch’s throat. The needle hits the point where all the gases are released from the stomach.
  3. In worst-case-scenarios, there could be surgery. If the stomach of your pooch is twisted, to untwist it a surgery almost always takes place.

Suggested: Vomiting In Dogs Rampur Greyhound must be vaccinated with Canine Parvovirus. From 6, 8, 10, 12, and 16 weeks of age, Canine Distemper must be given 5 times respectively. Also, ask your vet for a Deworming Vaccination plan as it is a must!! Check out this detailed vaccination guide to understand everything about vaccination before you get your pooch one!

Frequently Asked Questions

The best place where you can get a Rampur Greyhound is from the Rampur district of Uttarakhand. Although you might find breeders across the country, it is always best to go to the local district and look for the breed to adopt.

Rampur Greyhounds are not aggressive in general. It all depends upon the way you train them and the way you behave with them. They are an excellent family dog. You just need to give them enough exercise (about 1hr of intense exercise regime or 2hrs of overall exercising). If you have a backyard or a terrace attached to your house it would be ideal for them where you can leave them free.

Rampur hound price in India varies across the country. They might range from 8000 INR to 18,000 INR. If you go to the Rampur, you might get an authentic breed at a cheaper price or if you adopt one, it will be free of cost. There are breeders across the country who sell them. Although do ask for all the certificates and genetic history before you buy them.

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This was all about the Rampur Greyhound! The research on this breed was very limited and there is a lot more we have yet to discover about Rampur Greyhound. 

If anybody owns a Rampur Greyhound, do let us know in the comments below how your first-hand experience was in handling them. Also, if you do have any queries do let us know and we will provide you with the best solution that we could up with.

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Happy Woofing!


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